Northern California Annual Meeting

Northern California Annual Meeting

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Date(s) - 10/23/2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Golden Gate Fields, Bayview Lounge - Turf Club



Thoroughbred Owners of California (TOC) invites all members to the Northern California Annual Meeting. The general business meeting will allow directors an opportunity to bring the membership up to date on important issues and will include a question-and-answer session. Following the meeting, a complimentary buffet luncheon will be served. THIS WILL BE AN IN-PERSON EVENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITY PROTOCOLS.


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Please Note:

  • This event does NOT include admission to the races.
  • Your CHRB license must be current during the time of the event.
  • To prioritize the safety of the owners and staff the following protocols will be in place:
    • All owners must enter through the Turf Club entrance.
    • Per Alameda County, masks are required at all times unless eating or drinking.
    • Owners are allowed to bring one guest.


We will NOT give or sell your information to 3rd parties.



Bookings are closed for this event.

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