The Business of Racehorse Ownership

The following articles, from past issues of TOC’s “Owners’ Circle” magazine, contain a wealth of information for new, prospective and veteran owners.

An ADW Issues Primer (Fall 2008)

Age Requirements for Licensed Owners (Summer 2006)

Alphabet Soup: California Racing Industry Organizations (Winter 2006)

The Bottom Line: Purse Earnings Comparison, California vs. Other States (Spring 2009)

Breeders’ Cup: Should it be held every year at Santa Anita? (Winter 2010)

California’s Incentive Programs Explained (Fall 1997)

California Racing’s Big Days (Spring 2007)

Does Field Size Affect Handle? (Summer 1996)

How Purse Levels are Determined (Winter 2008)

Incentive vs. Subsidy: Analysis of Cal-Bred Incentive Awards (Fall 1995)

Measuring Trainer Performance (Winter 2009)

Multiple Stakes on a Single Day (Spring 1998)

The Outlook for California Racing Television Going HD (Spring 2010)

Owners’ Investment in the California Racing Industry (Summer 2006)

Pay Day: Paymaster Accounts (Summer 1996)

Purse Allocations (Summer 1998)

Race Types and Frequencies (Spring 2008)

Racing’s Responsibilities (Spring 1996)

Review of California’s Stabling & Vanning Program (Winter 2009)

Rich History, Bright Future: The Alameda County Fair (Spring 2008)

Rules of Etiquette in the Paddock (Summer 2008)

Simulcast Business and Revenue Models (Summer 2008)

Simulcasting Opportunities for Growth (Summer 1996)

Takin’ it to the Streets – California Racing Hopes to Draw New Fans (Spring 2010)

To Insure or Not? (Fall 1998)

Trainer Bills

Trainer Contracts

Trainer Day Rates

Veterinary Bills, Explanations

Veterinary Bills, Explanations (2)

Wagering in the 21st Century (Winter 2006)

Where Does the Bet Go? (Winter 1997)

Who Funds Cal Cup Day? (Winter 1998)

Who Gets What – Understanding the Distribution of Wagering Revenue

Who Gets What Part 2

Who’s Watching (Winter 2008)

The World is Watching – California Plays Host to Breeders’ Cup (Fall 2008)


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