Horsemen’s Organizations

Horsemen’s Organizations

American Horse Council

The national trade organization, which represents the horse industry in Washington D.C. The Council monitors legislation and federal regulations affecting all aspects of the industry, and serves as the industry’s national legislative representative before the U.S. Congress and federal regulatory agencies.

Contact: A.H.C. Inc., 1616 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006 
Phone: (202) 296-4031
Association of Racing Commissioners International (A.R.C.I.)

Originally founded in 1934 with representatives from nine states, the then “National Association of State Racing Commissioners” pledged to “encourage forceful and honest nationwide control of racing for the protection of the public.” Gathering members through the years, it changed its name and greatly broadened its goals and services. Today, A.R.C.I. maintains a file of official rulings from stewards and racing commissioners across the nation (there are some 600 new ones to be processed every racing day). A.R.C.I.’s current goal is to encourage a uniformity of rules and practices among tracks in North America.

Contact: “A.R.C.I.”, 1510 Newtown Pike, Suite 210, Lexington, KY. 40511
Phone: (859) 224-7070
Breeders’ Cup Limited

The primary goals of Breeders’ Cup Limited are to build positive public awareness for Thoroughbred racing, increase fan participation and further develop and expand opportunities in the Thoroughbred Industry. The B.C.L.’s means of achieving these goals are organization and sponsorship of the Breeders’ Cup World Championship and the enhancement of stakes races through the Breeders’ Cup Program.

Contact: 2525 Harrodsburg Rd., Lexington, KY. 40504
Phone: (859) 223-5444
California Authority of Racing Fairs (C.A.R.F.)

CARF is a public agency of member fair associations that conduct live racing during the annual summer fair circuit, and oversees satellite wagering facilities. CARF also provides professional business services, representation, and legislative advocacy for the fair racing network.

Contact: 1776 Tribute Road, Suite 205, Sacramento, CA. 95815
Phone: (916) 927-7223.
California Horse Racing Board (C.H.R.B.)

In 1933, the state of California passed a Constitutional Amendment permitting pari-mutuel wagering on horse races. The “Horse Racing Law” gave rise to the CHRB, which was commissioned to regulate and encourage the new industry, while assuring the protection of the public via statutes and rules, careful licensing of all individuals involved in the industry (including Racing Associations), supervision of pari-mutuel wagering in every detail, adjudication of controversies, and fair allocation of racing dates. The members (or Commissioners) of the Board are appointed by the Governor of California to four-year terms and participate in standing committees which monitor such issues as Medication, Facilities, Parimutuel Operations, Executives, Security and Licensing, Legislation, Benevolent Programs, Stewards, and Amenities. All track officials (such as the Racing Secretary, the Official Vet and the Stewards) are directly responsible to the CHRB, which maintains a field office at every active race meeting.

Contact: CHRB – 1010 Hurley Way, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA. 95825
Phone: (916) 263-6000
California Retirement Management Account (C.A.R.M.A.)

A charitable organization created to raise money for retired California racehorses. Its mission is to assist Thoroughbred retirement facilities that care for and retrain horses whose careers have ended after competing in California Thoroughbred races.

Contact: 285 Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 574-6622
California Thoroughbred Breeders Association (C.T.B.A.)

This is a service organization for breeders and owners of California-bred horses. C.T.B.A. registers (and maintains a complete registry of) Cal-bred horses. It also distributes owner, breeder and stallion awards and maintains a reference library which is among the most comprehensive in the industry (including a complete set of the American Stud Book, a collection of chart books dating back to 1804, six years worth of Daily Racing Forms, plus stallion registers and racing charts from all over the world). In addition, C.T.B.A. publishes a useful monthly magazine, The Thoroughbred of California (see chapter on “Publications”).

Contacts: C.T.B.A., 201 Colorado Place, P.O. Box 60018, Arcadia, CA. 91066-0018.
Phone: (818) 445-7800
For hours and information about the 10,000-volume “Carleton F. Burke Library”, contact Librarian Vivian Montoya at the above numbers.
California Thoroughbred Trainers (C.T.T.)

C.T.T. is the state authorized organization formed for the purpose of representing the best interests of its member trainers in dealing with the California Horse Racing Board, the racing associations, various racing entities, and the general public. The C.T.T.’s membership is currently composed of approximately 650 licensed thoroughbred trainers. The organization administers a pension fund, supplying benefits to all those qualified workers and trainers who are responsible for the care and training of racing thoroughbreds.

Contact: C.T.T., 285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 447-2145
California Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Foundation (C.T.H.F.)

A non-profit charitable foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life for backstretch workers at California’s major racetracks, fair circuit tracks and CHRB recognized off-track training centers. C.T.H.F. operates medical and dental clinics at Santa Anita and Golden Gate Fields and provides a variety of financial assistance to the backstretch community.

Contact: C.T.H.F., 285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 446-0169
The Jockey Club

Established in 1894, the organization maintains and publishes The American Stud Book, which is “the official record of the breed” for the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The Jockey Club’s Registration Services Department processes the applications of about 30,000 thoroughbreds each year, and maintains the registry of all active thoroughbreds in North America. For a horse to be registered, it must not only be blood-typed (to verify its relation to its alleged sire and dam), but thoroughly photographed to establish its color and record any distinctive markings. [See Appendices for Sample forms]. The Jockey Club also checks and approves all (new) names of registered thoroughbreds against a current list of some 560,000 active and historically protected names.

Address (for the Registry): 821 Corporate Drive, Lexington, KY. 40503
Phone: (859) 224-2700
Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (T.O.B.A.)

The T.O.B.A., based in Lexington, Kentucky, was formed in 1961 and is a national trade organization for Thoroughbred owners and breeders. Its mission is to improve the economics, integrity and pleasure of the sport on behalf of owners and breeders. T.O.B.A. is committed to recruiting new owners to the industry, providing education through clinics and seminars and enhancing owner and breeder experiences through programs such as the Sales Integrity Program, American Graded Stakes Committee and Claiming Crown.

Contact: P.O. Box 910668, Lexington, Kentucky 40591-0668
Phone: (859) 276-2291
Winners Foundation

Founded in 1984, the Winners Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides information, support, and referral services for employees and family members of the California horse racing community affected adversely as a result of alcohol and/or substance abuse or gambling problems. With representatives at each of the major California tracks and each of the racing fairs, the Foundation provides assistance free of charge.
Contact: Winners Foundation, 285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91006
Phone: (626) 574-6498








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