TOC Members Re-Elect Six Incumbents to Board

TOC’s membership re-elected incumbents Mark Dedomenico, Gary Fenton, Mike Harrington, Terry Lovingier, Jack Owens, and Bill Strauss to its Board of Directors. Dedomenico, Fenton, Harrington, Lovingier, and Strauss were elected to three-year terms, and Owens was elected to… Read More

Nick Alexander Named TOC Chairman

  Arcadia, Calif. – At its meeting today, the board of directors of the Thoroughbred Owners of California (TOC) unanimously elected Nick Alexander chairman. Alexander joined the board in 2013 and has served as Secretary/Treasurer since that time…. Read More

Kosta Hronis Accepts Leading Owner Awards

TOC director, Bill Strauss, presents two Owner Awards to Kosta Hronis (right) at the Annual Meeting at Del Mar Racetrack on Saturday, Aug. 15. Hronis Racing, LLC was leading owner in purse money won in California for the… Read More

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