Posted on April 3, 2021 by TOC Admin
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Effective April 7
the following protocols will go into effect at Golden Gate Fields:
- Any owner attending live racing will need to provide a negative Covid test dated within 72 hours of entry. This test will be valid for 30 days and allows for multiple entries.
- OR Any owner who is fully vaccinated (both shots or 1 J&J) will not need a negative test once they are 14 days out from completing the vaccination process and can provide proof of being vaccinated. The best example would be your Covid19 vaccination card.
- Owners may now also visit the backstretch from Wednesday thru
Sunday from 10:45 AM and will need to follow the above criteria covering
vaccinations or test.
- Owners will also be able to watch their horses work in the morning
in the Winners Circle area, once again from Wednesday thru Sunday, and the same
entry criteria as outlined above applies.
- Masks, preferably N95 or equivalent, must be worn at all times
when in these areas, and social distancing should be maintained as much as
Information regarding the public returning to Golden Gate will be made available shortly, and details will appear on the Golden Gate Fields website.
Golden Gate Fields staff and management are grateful for the patience and understanding of all involved during this unpredictable time.